Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Expensive medication works!

Could not believe it :O Granny reported that Ryan was jumping on sofa and bed and even attempted to climb on her metal gate! Sure this kid was the same one lying on bed like a dead fish days ago? Gosh! Expensive medication did work like a deity antidote! Ryan's appetite returned too. He had been asking for more serving of porridge but smart granny talked him out, saying he had just recovered and might puke if too much intake at one go.

On the other hand, Carecorner called to ask about Ryan's condition and informed mummy that there were a few more cases of stomach flu in the school. Sigh! Think got to let Ryan home-bound for this week :(

The initial plan was to let Ryan stay at Granny's place till Friday. However, with Ryan back to his notti self, he irritated Grandpa and Uncle Denson. So much so that Uncle Denson called mummy to get him out of their sight. Sigh... No choice. worse come to worst, let Ryan goes back to school then...

Fortunately, granny volunteered (again) to babysit Ryan at our own home, away from the two hard-to-please grandpa and uncle. Hahaha... But this also mean granny got to be at our place at 7am. Wow, that is so early! Thanks, granny!

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