Sunday, October 21, 2007

Demi's first Dip in pool

Uncle Wilbert had invited us to his club for a swim on this Sunday morning. His daughter, Lisa (2 months younger than Ryan) couldn't wait to show Ryan her new skill: diving into the 1mtr pool! A proper swimming coaching could really help a child gain confidence in the water. Diving or jumping into pool is something out of Ryan's menu :P He will literally 'chicken' out, whine and scream like a chicken, I mean :-D

Well, such thing can't be forced. It will take some time for Ryan to do those proper swimmig strokes. Meanwhile, he truly enjoys playing in the water. Not too bad for a start.

As for Demi, she wore a sweet pink/purple swimming suit (a gift from Uncle Wilbert) for her first dip. Though she is a manace in her bath-tub, dipping in pool turned her into a gripping koala! Wahlaoeh!!! Funny sia.... ;P

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