Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Demi's First Hair Shave

Alas, mummy & daddy decided to go ahead and bring Demi for her first hair shave. Many have voiced their dismay as her curly locks were so fine and smooth. But this was the only option as at back of her head had almost turn bald due to her constant pulling, for fun or frustration, unknown. Her dense crown looked more like a wig and definitely not nice anymore :(

Mummy tries to upload the video taken during the shave. Very painstakingly taken :P
Somehow, I need more time to figure out on solving the prompting errors...
Anyway, we do have pictures of Demi's new hair (or no-hair) style :)

By the way, Demi has started to hold her bottle during feeding. Mummy is so proud ;)
(for the time being, a must-have accessory for Demi: cap/hat)

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